We are going to list everything wrong with socialism without mentioning any faults of Communism or debt or taxes.
Socialism is just endless consumption but most people confuse it with communism. Communism is enforced equality of outcomes through socialism.
Like capitalism is endless production,Fascism is enforced equality of outcomes through capitalism
The antonym for communism is fascism (but it should be libertarianism empirically) The antonym for socialism is capitalism
Communism focus on redistributed socialism and banning capitalism. Fascism focus on redistributed capitalism and banning socialism
People who produce rarely consume and people who consume rarely produce. The reason being is these people are living in different stages of life and occupy different professions due to their genetic capabilty
The real problem with socialism is that it leads to inequality in consumption. This leads to olympic games for consumption and victim status signalling. People perform in society to signal their victim status and not their productivity. Such people create victim categories like majority vs minority, rich vs poor, bad ancestors vs good ones , handicapped or not , women vs men , trans vs cis , ugly vs beautiful , queer and nonbinary. Sadly these groups are usually genetically determined and not by their own actions eg: low IQ, low productivity, low attractiveness, low health, low wealth , low conscientiousness , high neuroticism, high introvertedness,etc. They also display high levels of envy and jealousy towards the productive people through vulnerable narcissism.
Opposite to the real problem with capitalism , which is it leads to inequality in production. The capitalist problem leads to status signalling and Hyperproductivity through high status networking-competition. These groups signal their virtue through materialism and investment They are also high in psychopathy and Grandiose narcissism (trait extrovertedness and disagreeableness)
Most people have no problem in immigrants , minorities and old people coming in to consume a lot of things economy (if the producers consumed it first).
Like in any animal pride, the fathers or alpha males or hunters eat first then followed by mothers who gives to their kids.
In socialism, everybody starts eating without hierarchy leading to unequal redistribution of consumption.
People doesnt allow the producers to eat making them weak and poor, thereby unable to produce next day.
If a farmer was told , he must also give his own food to his wife and growing children, then he will be too weak to farm next day. Leading to bad crops, next month. Then famine hits next year.
Same goes in the economy
A normal sane family unit is decided by the couple and maybe the parents of the couple not by the state , not by extended village , not by the religion , not by the trade union and not by the corporation
You are forced to put behind education and career for reproduction
How dare you take time off of family duties to spend your own time to build a company or nation. You should be investing in babysitting and government/family subsidies with your time and money.
You are a consumer also but as a father or a mother or uncle or aunt or brother or sister
Nothing matters more than family or local politics
Once your family hit carrying capacity, the economy is forced to sell only to the retired rich old people from healthcare to housing
Age of average house owner becomes less and less
Median age of country lowers every year as economy is focused on increasing children over goods/services
Child marriage and shotgun marriage becomes common
Children and girl kids are not educated
Cousin and Uncle (consanginous) marriage is common
Temporary solution is introducing atheism , capitalistic new technological innovation and factory
Capitalist Corporate Atheists screaming "Stop child abuse and marriage" are right about socialism destroying humanity but wrong on how it will do it because its introducing unlimited consumption through least responsibility into young age . Young age population leads to highest crime , war and abuse especially without oversight by old people for policing. Infant mortality rises with young age population because they are not educated on how to take care of children and themselves. Life span decreases with young age population because they are not educated on how to take care of themselves and old people.
A lot of men gain easy status and access to marriage by competing against broke impressionable women making them tough to commit
A lot of women became early mothers by competing against other young women for rich and hot male attention
Everything is a status game for reproduction but consuming more during festival like environment make competitors turn it less competitive. Women covers themselves from top to bottom and men doing all spending on charity with her family because women has reason to protect her dignity and chastity. Move from urban to rural to compete less (honeymoon) because thats what socialism wants. Become a matchmaker because you need to spend more to create relationships around you and make the uncommitted to commit to others. Hypergamous women are shamed for not lowering her standards and least Hypergamous women are shamed for being promiscuous(unfit to be a mother).
Men cooperate with woman in all avenue in mostly protecting her chastity (honor killing or beating) maintaining her status. Women cooperate with men in raising his status by praising him and increasing his reputation instead of putting him down. This game goes on until his status is high enough in society to get best mate or maintain the status of his kids. The small fraction of men and women in the system that is Gay , slut and transgender are offered to God and religious professions becoming future nuns and priests
Afghanistan had good child education and corporate jobs.Why? After end of capitalism, every single family lost their job,salary and social status. PhD professors lost their job and only mafia like entrepreneurs was earning in completely unregulated freemarket anarchism. The daughters of the former respected PhD professors were considered "lucky" to get a client to use her as a sexual object any day. Most women became prostitutes over the decades to feed themselves until a solid regulatory Government came to tame capitalism . Since they couldnt be productive compared to men, they fled to western europe for selling sex. These women didnt have a church or convent to escape to because religion was destroyed by communism and was seen as socialist by new capitalists. They asked why someone should someone pay for religious tax , charity and housing homeless?
Countries with lowest Female LFPR per TFR
Iraq: 10.77% 3.29 TFR Iran: 13.58% 1.70 TFR Jordan: 13.81% 2.68 TFR Egypt: 15.34% 2.75 TFR Algeria: 17.13% - 2.82 TFR Djibouti: 18.21% - 2.65 TFR Palestine: 18.58% - 3.38 TFR Kosovo: 19.37% - 1.55 TFR Morocco: 19.80% - 2.26 TFR Tuvalu: 20.03% - 3.24 TFRCountries with the Highest Number of Housewives:
Italy: In 2016, there were over 7.3 million housewives. The region of Campania had the highest number, with over one million housewives, followed by Lombardy with approximately 962,000.
France: In 2011, the proportion of housewives was highest among women aged 20 to 24 and 30 to 34 years old, with over 20% in these age groups.
While comprehensive global data is limited, cultural attitudes can influence the prevalence of housewives. A survey conducted by Ipsos between 2009 and 2010 found that in India, 58% of respondents aged 18-34 agreed with the statement "a woman's place is in the home," indicating traditional views on gender roles
Socialist Agrarian economy of more than 50% society labor force makes more babies an extra hand in the field along with future safety and security in old age. Educated women willingly becomes housewives
Low female education , High child mortality, low life span and no contraceptives along with socialist agrarian extreme poverty
Child marriage, cousin marriage, cultural stigma on contraceptives , less educated women and lowest female labor force participation
Almost all of modern day socialism is consuming technology ( rarely human labor as goods or service unlike what socialists claims). You are not buying an apple picked from a farm with human labor of transportation instead you are buying for refridgeration and quality testing of something that grows automatically
now we buy apple puree made out of Artificial flavors thats not even made from apple
soon we will be eating illegaly downloaded 3d printing edible apple
socialism remained the same but tech is progressing
countries without religion(during its industrialisation and transition from developing to developed) usually leads to high inequality and poverty because of enforced socialist behaviours in its culture
a man in 1800s with zero regulation and complete freemarket starved daily more compared to the same kind of man today.
GDP of most capitalistic country was near zero pre-industrialisation even compared to communist nations post industrialisation.
men trapped in island will starve to death even if they practice perfect capitalism without focusing on technological solution.
In such situations, giving charity would be reserved for the poorest and upliftment out of extreme poverty.
inefficient resource allocation and a lack of innovation
Exploitation of capital (e.g., abusing business men and destroying factory properties). Frequent famines and economic depressions due to lack of safeguards or technological advancements as seen in Holodomor in Ukraine and the Great Chinese Famine. GDP of pre-industrial capitalist nations (e.g., 17th-century England) was extremely low compared to modern standards. Technological stagnation meant that capitalist or socialist economies were not significantly better than feudal or agrarian ones. Gig economy of no laborer safety which was overcome by more socialistic CEO policy of Henry Ford.Several utopian communities, such as New Harmony, ultimately proved unsustainable. The failure to institute a regulated system of economic management meant that—despite initial enthusiasm—the communities often collapsed under the weight of financial mismanagement and the difficulties of scaling cooperative practices.Robert Owen experimented with this vision at New Lanark in Scotland and later at New Harmony in the United States. His projects focused on bettering working conditions, providing free education, and ensuring a more equitable distribution of wealth
Europe turned off their nuclear reactors and their GDP is destroying with no more new enterprises.
Europe destroyed its past religious belief with atheism and is now surrounded by welfare system of islamic socialistic policy creating endless consumption by immigrants and minorities.
Techno-capitalism today is the real reason why everyone is able to perform any socialism. Its powered by freemium economy. The communists in the west buy and use iphones(highest R&D tech luxury product) to virtue signal their socialism. If you used any of these below you are a capitalist to some degree because you paid for its Research and Development
Everybody is a capitalist and socialist today as we produce gigabytes of data daily for big corporations and universities
average waiting time for freely searching internet is hours and can be cut down to few seconds by paying for it
Almost all R&D and operation in socialist companies are stolen from hypercapitalistic country like USA or East Asia
Deepseek V3 R1 currently used all research done by Google , OpenAI and Anthropic to cut cost upto $5.5 million instead of billions
Race, Caste , Religion and Sexuality is the status for marriage and divorce rather than capital or ability to raise children or children's rights .
These result in poor unfit people marrying ,divorcing, cheating and repeat until they are at their 4 th spouse and 10th child from deadbeat fathers. In this society , the women will be working(or prostituting or on food coupons) and all of these divorced wives would be under multiple man redistributing their wealth amongst unfathered children. If you as a man do not have money to maintain a family , you will become a deadbeat father or be unmarried.
we know TFR is the average number of children that are born to a woman over her lifetime residing inside the country without accounting for quality of life of parent or child. There are still questions to be answered like...
we might even discover that socialism may have been just a collider or an intermediary variable
capitalist policy for women and childcare = lowers collective IQ of next generation = socialism rises due to low IQ competition = High TFR = low GDP per capita = inverse materialistic status game or virtue signalling
socialist pressure on relationships = High TFR = High population size or expanding carrying capacity = More High IQ kids and fewer old people with less money = more youngster socialism, welfare and freebies = policy gets worse due to favoring young people = rampant adolescent crime and scams
uprising of old and law abiding people = law reforms and focusing on religion, crime,immigration or education = form new status game barring young people with crime like science ,nationalism , technology , conscientiousness, business , anti-environmentalism and anti-entertainment = forms relationships with money(wealth is only social status)
Socialism is Good for raising health of humanity and services that can be productive but it takes capitalism to produce it in first place. In a sane society , its a mix of both but in an insane one its only one of them.
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